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Welcome to the Florida Department of Financial Services Producer Appointment System (eAppoint). Here, you will create and send submissions to the Department. To begin, click Start a new submittal. To work on an existing submittal, click click eAppoint workbench. To review submissions already sent to the Department, click Review Paid/Final submissions.

Refund Policy for Preneed Sales Agent Appointment-Related Submission

The appointment fee is not subject to refund in accordance with section 469.466 (2)(h) F.S. and Rule 69K-5.003(6) F.A.C. If a duplicate appointment is processed, a refund may be requested in writing by the payer within 60 days of a duplicate appointment, the Division shall refund the payer entitled to receive in connection with the application for the appointment.

Please contact the Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services for questions by phone (850) 413-3039, mail or fax.

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