Submittal Component ListAfter selecting Appointment Termination from your eAppoint Workbench, the Submittal Component List for the selected Submittal will display. There is only one Component for an Appointment Termination Submittal, DI4-39. eAppoint will display the date and time it was last updated, as well as its current status. Clicking on the name of the Component will display the screens required to complete it. The DI4-39 Component must be complete before eAppoint can further process the Submittal.
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DI4-39eAppoint provides the DI4-39 Component for you to enter appointment terminations. When you click the DI4-39 Component hyperlink, eAppoint will display a screen for you to select between using the Online Form or using the File Upload. Termination File UploadThe Upload Appointment Terminations Screen shown below will display if you have selected "File Upload" on the Select Submittal Type Screen and clicked Continue. eAppoint will only accept an uploaded file if it has been created using the appropriate layout. They file upload format can be accessed by clicking here. Before uploading, be certain your file contains less than 1000 appointment terminations. If you need to terminate more than 1000 appointments, you will need to create multiple files, each with less than 1000 appointment terminations.
If eAppoint finds no errors in the file you uploaded and each appointment can be terminated, eAppoint will display a message indicating the number of records included in your file successfully uploaded. If the uploaded file contains errors, eAppoint will process the appointment terminations that contain no errors and display the Appointment Terminations Upload Errors Screen, which lists each of the individual errors for the appointment terminations that could not be processed. You will need to correct each error or remove the appointment terminations containing errors from your file and repeat the upload process to resubmit the appointment terminations which originally contained errors. eAppoint will include a link on the revised Upload Appointment Terminations Screen to the list of errors found in your uploaded file. Once you have corrected the errors, you should repeat the upload process. Return to TopOnline FormeAppoint will display the Search for a Licensee Screen shown below when you select to use the Online Form for your Appointment Termination Submittal. Search for a LicenseeYou will need to have the Licensee Number for the appointment you would like to terminate. Once you have entered the Licensee Number, you can click Continue to proceed. Notice in the lower portion of the screen eAppoint displays a table for the appointments you have added to the submittal. If you decide not to terminate one of the listed appointments, you can use the Delete Licensee button.
Return to TopView AppointmentsIf eAppoint finds the Licensee Number, it will display the below screen containing the Licensee's information and any appointments associated with you as the appointing entity. Active appointments will appear in bold type and only if the Licensee holds active appointments will eAppoint permit you to continue.
Return to TopSelect Termination ReasoneAppoint provides the Select Termination Reason Screen shown below for you to indicate the reason for the appointment termination. eAppoint will tailor the Select Termination Reason Screen to the individual you are terminating. The below screen will display for most appointment terminations, however there are certain situations that will alter the list of termination reasons. For instance, if the licensee holds county appointments, eAppoint will add "No longer represents the company (county appointments)" to the list of termination reasons. To select a reason, click within the circle to the left of if the reason and click Continue. Based upon the reason you select, eAppoint will display either the Input Termination Date Screen or the File Upload Screen. If you select to terminate the appointment due to an alleged violation of Florida Statutes or because the Licensee is deceased, you will be directed to the File Upload Screen to provide the Department of Financial Services with documentation to support the termination.
Return to TopFile UploadThe File Upload Screen will only display if you have selected a termination reason requiring documentation. If you have the requested documentation in electronic format, you may use this screen to begin uploading your document(s). eAppoint will accept the following file formats: .doc, .htm, .pdf, .rtf, .tif, .txt, and .xls. If you do not have the ability to obtain the documentation in electronic format, you may submit the document(s) via the U.S. Postal Mail.
Return to TopSelect CountiesIf you have selected to terminate a licensee's appointment because he/she no longer represents the company (county appointments), eAppoint will display the below screen for you to indicate which county appointments should be terminated. To select a county, click within the box to the left of the county. You may select multiple counties to terminate.
Return to TopInput the Termination DateAfter you have selected the termination reason and uploaded documentation, if necessary, eAppoint will display the below screen for you to enter the appointment termination date. If you enter a termination date and click Continue and eAppoint determines that the date is invalid, an error message will display. If you follow the rules below, an error message should not display:
Return to TopReview Appointment Termination
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Affirmation StatementeAppoint provides the Affirmation Statement shown below for you to affirm that you are authorized to complete the appointment termination transaction. You must click within the box to the left of the Affirmation Statement and enter your name and business phone in the fields provided before clicking Done.
eAppoint automatically sends a confirmation email to the email registered with eAppoint containing information regarding the Appointment Termination Submission. You may also print the information by clicking the Print Confirmation button. Clicking Print Confirmation will launch a new browser window containing the confirmation information in a printer-friendly format. To print, follow the normal printing procedure for your browser. Return to Top | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||