Address, Phone, & Account Maintenance

Updating an Address

Clicking the Update addresses button on the My Account Screen will display the screen shown below. eAppoint provides this screen for you to update your Invoicing Address. Keep in mind that fields indicated with a red asterisk (*) are required fields and must be complete in order to update your Invoicing Address.

If you are both an appointing entity and a licensee, you may also want to update your licensee address. Clicking this hyperlink will redirect you to another Bureau of Agent and Agency Licensing website which will allow you to update your licensee information.



Clicking Cancel returns you to the My Account Screen.


Clicking Save after you have completed updating your Invoicing Address will save your modifications.

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Updating a Phone Number

Clicking the Update phone numbers button on the My Account Screen will display the screen shown below. eAppoint provides this screen for you to update your Appointment Invoice Phone Number. Keep in mind that fields indicated with a red asterisk (*) are required fields and must be complete in order to update your phone number.

If you are both an appointing entity and a licensee, you may also want to update your licensee phone number. Clicking this hyperlink will redirect you to another Bureau of Agent and Agency Licensing website which will allow you to update your licensee information.



Clicking Cancel returns you to the My Account Screen.


Clicking Save after you have completed updating your Invoicing Telephone Number will save your modifications.

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Updating Your Account

Clicking the Update my account button on the My Account Screen will display the screen shown below. eAppoint provides this screen for you to update your Account Information. Keep in mind that fields indicated with a red asterisk (*) are required fields and must be complete in order to update your account.


Clicking Cancel returns you to the My Account Screen.


Clicking Save after you have completed updating your account information will save your modifications.

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